Dear Flight-Reporters,

I hope that you are all enjoying the new V2 as much as I am. As many of you are aware, the site is now bi-lingual. The new Anglophone section of the site will help us to expand and reach out to a new and broader audience that was previously excluded from participating in our wonderful community.

Many of you are excited about the possibility of publishing reports in English and that is great! Keep them coming as we need to build up our database! It has come to our attention, however, that some things should be addressed. As you know the English-language section of this site is brand new and therefore contains very few Flight-Reports at the moment. That being said, it is very important that, just as with the French-language reports, we adhere to certain basic standards.  One of the most important standards being language—from the beginning of this site, we have asked our French-speaking contributors to mind their spelling and grammar in order to provide a pleasant reading experience for all. We will now ask the same for the English-language version of this site.

Of course, everyone makes spelling mistakes and they are to be expected. However, if you do not have a satisfactory level of fluency in the English language, it is not recommended that you publish reports in English unless you have someone who can review you work. Just as Flight-Reports may be deleted for not meeting basic criteria (pictures, text, etc) they may be deleted for not meeting language standards. Of course, this is never pleasant for anyone so it is best to avoid the situation in the first place.

i.e. if you had to use Google Translate to fully understand this post, then you probably shouldn’t be posting in English J

For the Francophones out there, I think we would all agree that we would not want to read a Flight-Report in the French section in which the author was butchering our beautiful language. The reverse is true for the Anglophone site.

Thanks you so much for your participation in this great community and thank you all for your understanding!

Happy Flying to Everyone!


The Flight-Report Team